
Why are They Still Using That?

When patients come in for a consultation, I always go over their current skincare routine.  When I hear that they are using retail products, I usually have two things to say. First, I congratulate them on having a skincare routine. Next, I ask them if they’ve seen a change in their skin since they’ve started…

Nobody’s Got Time for That

What your Patient is thinking: I did my homework, and I wrote down my questions. I made an appointment and now I’m in my initial consultation for the newest hottest trend in skincare as described by (insert Celebrity of the week). I’m stoked that this will give me perfectly glowing skin. This is going to…


“Mommy you have dirt on your face!” My son said that to me when he was about two years old. I proceeded to find the nearest mirror only to discover that virtually overnight I had developed a particularly ugly patch, in a not-so-lovely shade of brown, making its way across my cheek. I remember when…

Meet My Good Friend Scarlet

Every good medical aesthetician will tell you that you can’t do it alone! Let me tell you a little bit about Scarlet my newest ride or die BFF. She and I have become pretty close since meeting in March 2019. She is tall, slender, and attractive, but she does have quite the mean streak! Despite…

Free Radicals on the Loose

Antioxidants are substances that protect cells from environmental damage caused by oxidation. This is a very basic definition, and may not get the point across to patients, so you’ll need to explain it in terms they can understand. Using real life examples can help bridge the gap. Try something like this: “Have you ever cut…

Acne is a 4-Letter Word

Lately I’ve gotten a TON of inquiries about acne. In both the Med-Surg Master and Med-Surg Medical Skin Care Programs, I take an in-depth look at acne, and I really get into the details of different treatment options and who they work best for. This post is only meant to provide a basic overview of…