
What is a Medical Aesthetician?

Non-invasive cosmetic treatments are gaining in popularity rapidly. This is one of the many reasons the demand and job market for licensed medical aestheticians is expected to grow exponentially over the next decade. Throughout this post, we are going to cover in detail just exactly what is a medical aesthetician, why they do, and how…

Choices, Choices

I want to talk a little bit about the patient’s choice to have a procedure or treatment. In every consultation, it should be your goal to help your patient reach THEIR skin health goals. If patients ask you what you think they should do, you should hand them a mirror and ask them to point…

Dynamic Consultations

Patients in search of medical aesthetic and laser treatments are plentiful these days. The medical aesthetics space has become a billion-dollar industry. Unfortunately, the internet seems to be the first place people go to for information instead of a trained professional. After patients exhaust themselves trying to figure out what services they need in order…

Skin Through the Ages

I was treating a patient the other day who is in her mid 30’s with very healthy skin. She is regular about her skin care treatments and religious about her home care. She is seemingly doing great but asked me if she should be doing peels. In her case I advised against it and asked…

Adverse Event

“Adverse event” is the way we describe an undesirable outcome after treating a patient. A good provider will tell you that results driven medical skincare treatments almost always come with a risk for some adverse event. NOBODY wants that to be the case, but each and every body you treat is different, and every rule…

Reset Button

Don’t you wish skin had a reset button? Just press it and go back to the pristine skin of childhood. We know we won’t ever capture that beautiful baby-faced look, but we also know it’s possible to get improvement. We can give patients a youthful glow, minimize their fine lines and wrinkles, and improve their…


I cannot even begin to tell you how often I hear “I have Rosacea” and I immediately want to say, “No you don’t”. Some of them may have it, after all it does affect more than 16 million Americans, but redness in skin is not automatically rosacea. Most of my patients who claim to have…

Hair Today…Gone Tomorrow

Body hair…not a fan. Shaving…not a fan. Waxing, also, Not. A. Fan. When I was about 23 years old, laser hair removal was becoming more and more of a popular option for reducing unwanted hair. In its infancy, it was considered a luxury treatment, and was quite expensive. Laser treatment chains like American Laser Centers…

Why are They Still Using That?

When patients come in for a consultation, I always go over their current skincare routine.  When I hear that they are using retail products, I usually have two things to say. First, I congratulate them on having a skincare routine. Next, I ask them if they’ve seen a change in their skin since they’ve started…