
The Importance of Skin Care Routines

As we approach the new year, many individuals will commit to new years resolutions. This can be eliminating sweets, commitments to spend more time with loved ones, new hobbies and even setting long term goals to reach. These resolutions will require some sort of change from that individual. While most people strongly commit to these…

3 Ways to Grow Your Clientele

As a freshly trained medical aesthetician, you’re probably wondering the most effective way to grow your clientele. We’ve previously touched on how to increase client retention in aesthetics, but here we’re going to help you get started on growing that client base to ensure you have a long, successful, and profitable career in medical aesthetics.…

The Change You’ve Been Waiting For!

The world has been a crazy place the last 2 years! With what seems like ever changing life events, one of the most common over the last 2 years has been the changing of careers. More people have lost, quit, or changed jobs in the last 12 months than any time in our country’s history.…

CME Courses in Arizona: Medical Aesthetics

If you are a nurse, nurse practitioner, or a doctor, then you understand the requirement for taking yearly continuing medical education courses in order to continue practicing in your field. But did you know that as part of your CME courses, you can enhance your skills by taking CME laser aesthetics courses? That’s right, not…

5 Patient Retention Strategies

Congratulations! You’ve started your own medical aesthetics practice after having completed one of the best aesthetics training courses in the country! Now what!? It can be overwhelming when you embark on your ambition to open your own med spa or aesthetics business. Finding patients is one thing…retaining those clients and patients is completely different. In…

Which is Better for Acne: Microneedling or Laser Treatment?

Acne, and the scares left behind by acne, can be a source of frustration. It can lower your self-esteem and confidence. Thankfully advances in the medical aesthetics field have lead to possible solutions to both acne and acne scarring. The most popular and common treatments today are micro-needling and laser treatment. But what kind of…

Laser Hair Removal Training: Career Changer

Are you looking to switch things up at work? Are you no longer finding fulfillment in your current job? Then perhaps it is time to consider laser hair removal training as a stepping stone towards a career change. Med-Surg Academy is one of the leading providers of laser hair removal training courses in Arizona. In…

Medical Aesthetics Practices Behind-the-Scenes

One of the most important things to me when I practice is transparency in the treatment room. I’m always baffled when a patient comes in and says that they had a consult somewhere else, and they have no idea what the other provider recommended. Even worse, is when I see a patient for a consultation…

Skincare for the Body

My knees and elbows are dry and flaky my hands are so incredibly itchy, and my knuckles cracked and raw. I’ll admit I am terrible about hyper focusing on my face and forgetting the rest of my largest organ. I do carry extra face products left on my hands down onto my neck and chest…