Meet My Good Friend Scarlet
Every good medical aesthetician will tell you that you can’t do it alone! Let me tell you a little bit about Scarlet my newest ride or die BFF. She and I have become pretty close since meeting in March 2019. She is tall, slender, and attractive, but she does have quite the mean streak! Despite her unpleasant moments, she’s a good friend to have. She will bring out the best in you and your patients, but she’ll use a little tough love to get you there. She has perfected her craft and is extremely successful. I’m speaking, of course, about Scarlet SRF microneedling with radio frequency.
What is Scarlet SRF Microneedling with Radio Frequency
Scarlet is a machine suitable for use in med spas, dermatology offices, plastic surgery practices, and any other medical environment that has a medical director overseeing clinical operations. Scarlet SRF uses groundbreaking technology and superior engineering to create a long-lasting lifting and firming response within skin. This type of microneedling with the added benefit of radiofrequency is not just for the face; it can be used anywhere on the body! Yep, you read that correctly, we can give a tune up to any of the skin on your body. With swift precision this device delivers the optimal amount of radiofrequency energy to the deeper tissues of the dermis causing contraction of elastin fibers and repairing the aged architecture of the skin. The secret to Scarlet’s success is in the specially milled needles that cause energy to release from the very tip of each pin driving it deep into the reticular dermis where true improvement can happen.
How Scarlet SRF Treatment Works
Patients will need to have a thorough consultation to make sure they are a good candidate for the treatment. As in any consultation, you will need to discuss medical history, medications, benefits of the procedure, potential side effects, and alternative treatments. Once that information has been reviewed, your patient will need to sign an informed consent. Next is photos. In order to quantify your results, you’ll need good “before” pictures. Photos should never be used for any purpose other than documentation in patient charts without expressed written permission. When all of the preliminary formalities and paperwork are out of the way, you can cleanse and numb your patient so they don’t have to feel the full wrath of Scarlet’s mean streak. It takes about 45-60 minutes with 23/7% (Lidocaine/Tetracaine) to get good and numb, so plan accordingly. As we near the 45-minute mark, I will use the tip of a sterile lancet to determine whether or not patients are adequately numb. When patients pass the “pokey or dull test” the treatment can begin. There is a soft melodic ding with each release of energy that tells us we are clear to move to the next pulse. Try to set an even mechanical pace so that patients can anticipate and prepare for each poke. The depth and power, which are tunable, will be adjusted throughout the procedure to accommodate the changing depths of each area being worked on. Because they are numb, your patients shouldn’t have much discomfort during the majority of your procedure, but there is the occasional “zinger.”
Once the treatment is finished, you will give them written post care instructions that should be gone over verbally so you can answer any questions they might have. You will also apply a semi-occlusive barrier cream to help protect the treated skin and keep it hydrated. Remember, moist skin heals faster and with less complications than dry skin. Make sure patients have the correct post care products to help them heal quickly. Give detailed written and verbal instructions on how to use them so there is no confusion later.
The Healing Process
Speaking of healing, I imagine you’ll want to know what that process looks and feels like. Immediately after the procedure your patient should expect to feel warm like a sunburn. HE or she will likely be a little red and slightly swollen for about 24-48 hours. After the redness and swelling go down, they are able to return to their normal skincare and makeup routine. That’s pretty much it! Patients may see small dots or poke marks if looking very closely at the treatment area or using a magnifying mirror, but they won’t be visible to the general public. The dots can last up to two weeks and can be covered with makeup after the initial 48 hours. Patients should refrain from workouts, hot tubs, saunas, steam rooms and hot showers for the first 24 hours. Keeping their core body temperature down allows the heat to dissipate preventing pigmentation changes from being an issue. Pigment changes in the skin are almost always a concern after treatment, so direct patients to avoid the sun and stay out of the heat. If they need to be in the sun for any reason, instruct them to keep it brief and use physical blockers like hats and visors while driving. After 24 hours they can use Sunscreen with an SPF of 30 or more. Make sure they understand all of their instructions and provide them with a phone number to call if they run into any problems or need help.
Results from any collagen remodeling treatment whether it’s Scarlet SRF or any other product or device will take 3-6 MONTHS minimum. This is just how long the process takes. Some people report visible results sooner than others, but there is nothing that we can do to speed up the body’s natural processes for building collagen and elastin. In short, prepare your patient to be patient.
Keep expectations realistic. This technology has been touted as a “non-surgical facelift”. It results in exceptional lifting and tightening, but it is not a surgical result. You should help your patients decide if Scarlet SRF will give them the outcome they are looking for, or if you should be steering them toward a surgical consultation. Scarlet SRF will have visible improvement with each treatment, but a series of three spaced 4-6 weeks apart is recommended to get optimal results.
Learn How to Use Scarlet SRF Micro Needling Treatment at Med-Surg Aesthetics and Laser Academy
Med-Surg Aesthics and Laser Academy is the leading trainer of certified Aesthicians in Arizona. We offer three advanced programs to students looking to advance their Aesthician career, increase their salary, and offer more treatments. Click here to learn more about our Laser Certification programs and Master Aesthetician Program in Phoenix or contact us directly to learn more.