Acne is a 4-Letter Word
Lately I’ve gotten a TON of inquiries about acne. In both the Med-Surg Master and Med-Surg Medical Skin Care Programs, I take an in-depth look at acne, and I really get into the details of different treatment options and who they work best for. This post is only meant to provide a basic overview of treatments for acne and is not a replacement for the acne class.
What is Acne?
Acne is an inflammatory skin disorder and a medical condition so legally it is outside of our scope of practice to treat. What we can do, is work adjunctively with the patient’s dermatologist to help clear active breakouts.
Acne is typically caused by either hormone fluctuations or an overproduction of oil that clogs the pores when it combines with dirt, debris and dead skin cells causing an infection. Great! So how do you get rid of each type of acne and keep it from coming back?
How to Treat and Control Acne
It is my opinion that while you can control hormonal acne with good professional skincare products and regular facial treatments, long-term clearing requires one of three options. One, you can have patients wait it out to see if their hormones balance out on their own. Two, it can be addressed with birth control pills or hormone replacement. Or three, the sebaceous gland can be physically treated with a focused radiofrequency technology called AGNES RF (more explanation to come).
There are pros and cons to each option. Waiting it out means tolerating the acne indefinitely, but no medications to take or painful treatments. Hormonal interventions can take a few tries to get the right fit and dose. They can cause mean mood swings, and pigment changes in skin, but they can also be a game changer with very little effort or discomfort. Using AGNES RF to destroy sebaceous glands can be quite painful and may require multiple treatments, but has the ability to treat all types of acne, is permanent, and allows the patient a medication-free option. AGNES RF is the only device on the market of its kind. It uses radiofrequency, delivered via needle directly into the pore to destroy the sebaceous gland eradicating active acne and the pore’s oil supply so it cannot form new lesions.
Acne that is not hormonally driven often requires a combination of treatments including good home care and professional facial treatments. If that doesn’t get the job done, your patient’s dermatologist may prescribe topical prescription creams or gels. More aggressive approaches are to prescribe a long-term, low-dose antibiotics, such as Doxycycline. When all else fails, isotretinoin or Accutane may be the best bet. Accutane should be a last resort, and you should implore your patients to do plenty of research and give much consideration before they decide to begin taking it. The side effects can be quite serious.
Educate Your Patient
However, you choose to treat your patient’s acne prone skin, a healthy diet is always recommended. Instruct them to stay away from internet hacks such as toothpaste, egg white masks, and other DIY remedies. Remember that if they over-dry their skin it will backfire because the skin will begin producing more oil in order to keep cells lubricated so they can continue to function. Oil-free moisturizers are a great way to counteract all the drying acne-fighting ingredients they’ll need to use. I’m especially fond of Eminence Organic Skincare’s Clear Skin Probiotic Moisturizer. Just as probiotics taken internally will calm inflammation in the gut, topical probiotics will take down inflammation in the skin…and we already know that acne is an inflammatory disorder. Acne no longer has to be a dirty 4 letter word. Armed with knowledge, you can take control of your acne patient’s skin’s health.
Med-Surg Aesthetics and Laser Academy: Training Aesthicians to Treat Acne
Med-Surg Aesthics and Laser Academy is the leading training of certified Aesthicians in Arizona. We offer three advanced programs to students looking to advance their Aesthician career, increase their salary, and offer more treatments. Click here to learn more about our Aesthician programs in Phoenix or contact us directly to learn more.