Acne And Your Gut
You’re a grown up. You have a job, a car, a home, a couple of kids…and acne!?!? How is that fair? Could it be that an unhealthy gut is causing you to break out like a teenager? The short answer is this: there is research that suggests gut health may be linked to acne and oil production, but there just aren’t a ton of reliable studies to support that claim. Here’s what I know, I have worked on acne patients for 23 years. Physiologically I know what causes acne, but I also know that not all acne is borne in the skin. Some acne comes from imbalances in body.
Understanding our Body…and How it Impacts our Skin
All of the systems of the human body are connected, and when one area is unhealthy or out of balance, it stands to reason that other systems will be affected. So, from that perspective, it is my feeling that the microbiome of the gut is absolutely connected to skin health. Again, there is very little reliable research about this. In fact, all of the articles that I have found online were published by companies selling supplemental nutrition products claiming to restore the gut’s health (and they may, I am not an expert in this area). That doesn’t mean it’s bogus information, it just means that nobody has found a great financial reason to research it further. Despite that, common sense and a basic understanding of the human body tells me that gut health effects skin health. What does that mean for your diet?
What we put in…shows up on the outside
Drawing upon experience, I can say with great certainty that eating fast food or chocolate might cause obesity, high cholesterol, diabetes or high blood pressure, but it will not cause acne. That’s not to say a healthy diet and drinking plenty of water are not important for good skin health. These things are, in fact, integral. The healthier your diet, the more balanced your systems will be, and that will reflect in your skin. Reducing inflammation in the body with healthy eating and drinking habits is a great way to calm acne and improve overall skin health. So put down that cheesesteak and have a salad full of leafy greens instead…your glowing skin will thank you!
Help Patients Treat Acne: Skincare Training Courses in Scottsdale, AZ
Do you have a passion for helping people? Does that passion also include helping people boost their self-esteem, self-worth, and achieve their beauty aspirations? If you answered yes, then you should consider signing up for one of the upcoming medical aesthetic skincare programs. This program will teach both online and in person how to treat, manage, and cure advance skin maladies. Sign up today or learn more here.